6 Good Reasons to Look for a New Opportunity
At some point, virtually every pediatrician finds themselves wondering if it’s time to seek greener professional pastures. Setting aside the justifiable trigger issues such as a toxic workplace or becoming aware that your employer is doing something illegal or unethical, here are a few good reasons you should consider a change:
1) You have no path to professional growth.
Sometimes a practice that is otherwise a perfectly good fit may simply not align with your long-term ambitions. A common example of this is when the owner is approximately your age and you have your sights set on running your own practice. Effectively, your path to ownership is blocked.
2) You have gained all the new skills you can at your current position.
Most early-career positions are taken with a goal of honing a skill, establishing a professional record, or simply putting a dent in those student loans. Ask yourself, have you accomplished what you wanted to in your current position? Are you continuing to develop professionally?
3) Compensation growth is flat.
If you’ve been with a practice for a while but have experienced flat growth, it could signal one of three things:
- There is no growth in the practice.
- The practice may be happy with you in your current position but has no investment in you
- You haven’t asked for a raise. Do so. It will give you clarity in where you stand.
4) There are changing factors around you.
It is natural for office cultures to change over time. There are occasions when it may not suit your work or communication style.
5) There are changes in your lifestyle and priorities.
Maybe you took your current position as a footloose single because you liked the lively nightlife and skiing. Now you’re married and looking for a place to settle down with good schools.
6) Your contract is coming to an end, and your employer has not expressed an interest in renewing.
It is always important to examine your motivations in seeking changes in your professional path, but if it’s your time to shine, contact ETS Pediatric. We are in touch with practices across the nation every day. We may already know of a perfect position for you!